Offiservice Wengier Ltd. – accurate translation!
Offiservice Wengier Ltd. speaks 84 of the languages spoken around the globe and has over 30 years of experience in meticulous and precise translation. The company provides its services through a team of professional translators who are certified to translate into their mother tongue, in a rigorous process that ensures accurate and top-quality translation services. Offiservice prides itself on helping its clients cope more successfully in the competitive markets of the modern world.
Since its inception as a family business, Offiservice has been a leader in the translation services arena, and enjoys a continuing reputation for excellence in the field of translation and office services. And if you think this is just a matter of words, you should know that for us translation is not a purely technical action, but rather an expression of respect and love for the written word.
For translators
Our team of translators is made up of the best in every field. Along with being a large and well-established company, we maintain a personal relationship with the translators, while maintaining the uncompromising professionalism and work ethic that are the basis of our reputation. Offiservice is always looking for talented freelance translators and offers diverse projects in a variety of languages and specializations.