Translation of medical documents
Sometimes, the correct wording can be a matter of life and death. An incorrectly written word, an incomplete translation, or even an erroneous context may determine fates. One of the common areas in which we see the power of the word is medicine. Sometimes, a doctor’s recommendation or diagnosis that is translated by a doctor or a translator who is not a specialist is not put across correctly. In other cases, a medical opinion sent to a court in a foreign city, even after the patient is no longer alive, heaven forbid, determines the amount of compensation his family will receive. This is why accurate medical translation is infinitely important.
Who can provide medical translation services?
We can cite countless cases where a professional translation from Hebrew to English has saved lives, or helped to get the appropriate compensation. But not everyone can provide these services. First and foremost, knowledge of the source language and the target language at mother tongue level is required, as in all translation services into English or other languages, but it is also necessary to have in-depth knowledge of medical jargon, accurate anatomical terminology, and even some knowledge of pharmaceutical-related terms. Beyond that, appropriate personality traits are needed. What are they?
Translators with a special personality
While translators of literature, for example, must master familiar proverbs and have a rich vocabulary, translators who specialize in translating medical documents need to be more meticulous and responsible. This involves much more than the ability to produce a professional translation from Hebrew to English, because the words must convey the exact same meaning that was intended by the medical staff documenting the illness or injury, and the results of the translation may have a direct effect on the patient.
Professional translation services only at Offiservice
We employ a team of high-level translators to provide translations of medical documents into English, intended for use in foreign hospitals and in courts. We also provide the opposite service – medical translation from English to Hebrew, making it easier for medical staff in Israel to read and understand what is written. Our team of translators uses the precise medical terminology that is relevant to each case, paying close attention to all the details in the document – because even a slight mistake, especially in this area, can have serious consequences.