Offiservice was founded by Joseph (Yossi) Wengier in 1988. Yossi is a graduate of the Department of Biology at Tel Aviv University, and a former Paralympic swimming champion. He has been involved in the world of translation since 1972. After working for years as a project manager and freelance translator, Yossi established Offiservice Wengier Ltd. with the aim of providing top quality translations and language solutions for the international market at competitive prices. Over the years, through regular work with project managers, translators, language editors, language experts and other professionals, an extensive community of independent professionals has been created, no less loyal to Offiservice than salaried employees, who benefit from fair treatment and a high payment ethic. Offiservice encourages its translators to work collaboratively and for particularly large projects sets up teams working under the guidance of a project manager. As needed, translators are supported by software that helps maintain the dedicated terminology for each client.

joseph wengier - ceo